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This photo is from early in my journey of learning to make baozi (steamed buns) from start to finish. Growing up I was an eager helper but did not know how to make all the elements myself. This is a fond memory of cooking with friends and solidifying skills.

About Me

Hi, I'm Marie Lin (or usually just Marie), owner of Lin's Homemade Specialties. My Chinese name Lin (æž—) helps me tap into my heritage and my family just as the food I serve elevates the same. 


I grew up in the Boston area where my mom would cook a blend of foods including Chinese dishes that would become the comfort food I crave as an adult. We also enjoyed the proximity of Boston's Chinatown and it delicacies. I moved to Vermont for college and it has become home, but I found myself homesick for those comfort foods. This longing for foods I could not find or that were just not the same drove me to grow from "helper" to "cook" as I began replicating and adapting both my mom's cooking and dishes I'd eaten in Boston and Beijing


I have lived in Winooski for several years now. By being a vendor at the Winooski Farmer's Market, I hope to connect more, share good food, and to grow as an individual and a part of the a local community I love.


Here's to coming together and sharing good food!


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